Daily Musings of a Photographer
I do not know how to blog but I tell stories through my photos.

Corporate Headshot: Rodney Wong of Munchy’s
Corporate Headshot Photo of Mr. Rodney Wong, CEO of Munchy’s.

Eid Mubarak! 7 Mind-Blowing Tips for Taking Picture-Perfect Family Photos During the Festive Season!
Capture stunning family photos during Eid with these five great tips. Use the Rule of Thirds to create perfect compositions, and leading lines to guide the viewer's eye to your subject. Use portrait mode for a more professional look, and experiment with angles to add depth to your photos. Don't forget to have fun and capture candid moments to create the best shots. Follow these tips and capture unforgettable Eid memories with your phone!

Tudung Bawal Photoshoot for FA Bawal Collection
I was given the opportunity to shoot a collection of Hijab by FA Bawal Collection for their social media images.

Business Portrait - Sayyed Nawwaz
Business Portrait Session with Sayyed Nawaz, a Property Coach. He wanted to do a set of photos to be used for his daily social media postings.
Solution - Simple setup & white background.

Kenapa Potret Bisnes penting untuk kau dan bisnes kau?
Potret perniagaan adalah penting pada masa kini atas beberapa sebab. Dan kita hidup dalam dunia imej - kita tengok gambar makanan yang kita oder/beli kat kedai makan dulu baru kita tengok harga!
Jadi mengapa Potret Perniagaan penting untuk kau dan perniagaan kau?

Why Business Portraits is important for your business?
Business portraits or headshots are important nowadays for a number of reasons. And we are living in a world of images - we look at the photo of the food that we are ordering/buying at a restaurant first before we look at the price! So why business portraits is important for you business?

Portrait of Iskandar from SAC Garment
SAC Garment is located in Seksyen 7, Shah Alam, Malaysia - specializing in textile printing especially sport jerseys. This their corporate portrait.

Portrait with Amir Khusyairi & Associates
A Raya Corporate Portrait of Nik Erman and his team at Amir Khusyairi & Associates around Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam.

Portrait of a Chef.
Chef Alwi is a long time friend of mine. Our friendship started in 2018 when I was in the same Business Networking organization with him. We had a fun portrait session.