Brands, companies, creative agencies and small business owners are facing lots of problems when it comes to hiring professional photographer nowadays.

One of the main challenges is keeping their cost down when it comes to hiring or employing or hiring photographers for their business.

What is the cost of employing a Photographer (or anyone)?

  • Minimum wage (in Malaysia it is RM1,500 per month)

  • Social Security/Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) Contribution

  • Insurance

  • Equipment costs

  • and many other direct and indirect costs

What about the challenges of hiring a photographer for job basis?

  • One time costly fee.

  • Different photographer each time thus outcome will be different.

  • Brief and debrief each time you hire a photographer.

  • Your favourite photographer is not available.

Let me solve your problem.

You can now retain me as your photographer as low as RM450 per month* for a minimum of 6 months!

Brands/Companies with long term project involving photography.

If your brand or company is dealing with lots of SKUs or products; or you are involve with a long term project that requires a lot of images and photos, this is a no brainer for you. Retain me as your photographer and I will advice what kind of photos work for you on a monthly basis.

Of course, I will advice you on which retainer/subscription package is suitable before you decides to take me on board.

Upsell your service.

Are you running a business that offers Professional Services to your clients such as but not limited to website development and digital marketing?

Upsell your service offerings by including photography as one of the value added services.

By retaining me as your photographer for your clients, you can upsell your service to your potential clients.

Customers are looking for ways to reduce cost and increase their profit.

With my Photography Subscription Programme, costs can be reduced and profit can be maximized.

For x hour per month, I will create awesome photos of your products and brand.

Click here for more info -

Let me solve your problem!



Portrait of Iskandar from SAC Garment


Portrait with Amir Khusyairi & Associates